My Baby's Smile. My Journey and Recovery Through Postpartum Depression

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Great interview for Men dealing with postpartum depression in their new family

I just found this website and his podcast
Listen to Dr. Courtenay as the Guest Host of Childhood Matters taking calls from listeners and talking with Lee Safran, Marriage and Family Therapist, and David Klinker, founder of, about the experiences of male partners of women with postpartum depression – and what fathers can do to support these new moms.

Listen here for the complete interview

Great interview with great insight to what is going on with your wife and how you can help her. As I was listening I could relate to so much of it. It is a long show, but worth it if you do not understand what is going on with your wife and how to help her. Just remember to support her with whatever she needs. Make sure she gets outside help as well from a doctor or therapist.