Attached is the Introduction to the book that I have written on PPD. I have so many people writing to me now and asking about my experience, I thought that if I post the intro to the book you will have a better understanding of my goals. I have heard many different scenarios and that is the point, Postpartum Depression is so much more than what the average person thinks, “you are depressed.” It has so many other symptoms and signs. It can turn into postpartum psychosis if not treated. I cannot urge you enough that if you feel something is just not right to talk to your doctor. I tried to be strong for so long and told myself I will get through it, but eventually I needed more. I realize now there was no shame in that. I am not afraid to tell anyone now what I went through, I had an illness.
My Baby’s Smile. My Journey and Recovery Through Postpartum Depression.
I started to write this book when my son Bradley was 7 months old. I hope that anyone who may be dealing with postpartum depression; anyone who has suffered from postpartum depression; or anyone that thinks that a loved one may have postpartum depression may benefit from knowing that they are not alone. When I started to write this book my goal was to let people know that the term “postpartum depression” presents itself in many different forms. Each woman experiences her own signs of the illness and to different degrees. I did not know that I was experiencing this illness until I sought out help, started reading deeper into the subject, and once I started medication and therapy.
I decided to write this book because I do not think that even my family, friends and loved ones have understood what I went through for the first months of my son’s life. I hope that anyone who reads this can understand what goes on in someone’s mind and when to get the help that they need. I hope that any woman going through this right now knows that they are not alone. As my therapist once told me, “You have an illness and you will get better.” Even though postpartum depression is a terrible illness that many people do not understand, even doctors, it is good to know that there are others out there who have gotten through it.
Once we read that others have experienced the samefeelings and emotions, we begin to know that we are not the only ones with these feelings. Just remember that help is out there. Talk about your feelings and do not be afraid to take medications if they are prescribed for you. I truly believe that the medication I was finally prescribed saved my life, my sanity, and even my family. It may take a while for the prescription to take effect, but with it and therapy you will recover. It is a long journey, but a journey that you must take to get better. I wish you the best.
Book available through
Barnes and Noble and Amazon.
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