Services offered from Postpartum International. Free weekly phone forums for women and men.
Free Weekly Phone Forums for Information and Support
This weekly forum provides the opportunity for women and men to talk with an expert, ask questions, and get support.
Bringing a baby home can also bring major emotional and physical adjustments. You - and the people who care about you - don’t need to need to face these changes alone.
“Is it just the baby blues?”
“Am I the only one who feels this way?”
“What can I do to help my daughter?” or - your friend, your sister, or partner.
This is a place where moms, partners, extended family members, support people for moms, and professionals can find some answers and support from an expert - and from other women. You’ll find honest and compassionate talk about the adjustment to parenthood, information about mood changes during or after pregnancy, and some helpful advice.
Chat Facilitators:
Yvonne Moore, MD,MA,FACOG has been an Obstetrician-Gynecologist for more than 25 years. She is a member of the PSI Board of Directors and the coordinator of “Chat with the Experts.”
Ilyene Barsky, LCSW is a licensed clinical social worker, PPD survivor, and founder of The Center for Postpartum Adjustment,
Helen Jones, PhD, RN, APN is a former PSI board member, published author, family therapist specializing in perinatal mood disorders, and Professor of Nursing at Raritan Valley Community College in NJ.
Linda Klempner, PhD is a licensed clinical psychologist and director of Women’s Health Counseling & Psychotherapy in Teaneck, N.J.
Birdie Meyer, RN, MA, CLC , Board President of PSI, is the coordinator of the Perinatal Mood Disorders Program at Clarian Health in Indianapolis, IN. She is a Childbirth Educator and is certified as a CPR instructor, Lactation Counselor, Spirit of Care giving facilitator, RTS Bereavement Facilitator, Critical Incident response, and Parish Nurse.
Ann Smith, CNM is a nurse-midwife, PPD survivor, lecturer on perinatal mood disorders to health professionals, and coordinator of a postpartum depression support group.
“What can I do to support my partner?”
“Is it possible that I’m depressed too?”
“Am I the only guy who’s struggling with becoming a dad?”
This is a place where dads, partners, extended family members or other support people, and professionals can find some answers and support from an expert - and from other men. You’ll find honest and compassionate talk about the adjustment to parenthood, information about how fatherhood can affect you, and some helpful advice.
Chat Facilitators:
Will Courtenay, PhD is an internationally recognized expert in helping men, a psychotherapist, author, researcher, and founder of
David Miller, MD, PhD is an obstetrician-turned-psychiatrist who specializes in women’s mood disorders with particular focus on Perinatal Mood Disorders. He is a founding board member for Postpartum Education and Support, Inc. in North Carolina, and maintains a private practice in Wake Forest, NC
Susan Dowd Stone, MSW, LCSW Chairs PSI’s President’s Advisory Council. She is an author, presenter, advocate, adjunct lecturer at NYU, and is in private practice specializing in women’s reproductive mental health at
Participation can be anonymous. There is no need to register, the sessions are live and free, and the facilitators are licensed mental health professionals.
Participants must call 1-800-944-8766 five minutes before the call begins.
The facilitator will end the call if there are no participants by 15 minutes after the scheduled start time.
Click here to read detailed instructions
The bridge line will stop accepting callers when the maximum of 15 callers has been reached. Sessions will last approximately one hour. Callers may choose to remain anonymous. These Chats are not meant to take the place of needed visits to healthcare providers and do not provide therapy.
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