My Baby's Smile. My Journey and Recovery Through Postpartum Depression

Friday, May 15, 2009

The Importance of Calcium

As I have been stating in the previous days, vitamins play a very important role not only physically, but also for our emotional health. Yesterday I went back to Whole Foods again to start my vitamin regime. As I stated previously, when I was diagnosed with PPD not only was I taking medication, but my therapist also prescribed a vitamin regime for me as well. I was a loyal follower and took all my vitamins daily. However in the last year I have become lax. In paying the price for that I have been sick on a monthly basis and still have some anxiety. Today I put all of my new vitamins together and will start to take them all again: B complex, calcium, Omega 3, Iron, acidophilus, Vitamin C, and a Multi. I am actually trying a new multi, if it works better than most I will share!
Anyway, take your vitamins. I will get information on all hopefully within the week!