Today I am just throwing a topic out there: If you suffered from postpartum depression did that effect your decision to have another child? After what I went through I swore that I would never have another child. Even before I was diagnosed with PPD of course the first thing that pops out of people’s mouths is ” so are you ready to have another one?” What ? I just had the first one. My first response was, ‘No.” I had a very traumatic birthing experience followed by insomnia, panic attacks, crying, etc. I had such an array of postpartum depression symptoms that I did not know what was wrong with me.
Even after going through therapy and taking medication I still feared that I would never be able to have another child. Even the thought of facing another c-section made me go into a panic. I thought that if I had to go through what I went through in my first delivery that I would certainly end up dying in the process. I think I even had someone say it was like I had post traumatic stress syndrome. Whatever the case may be I swore that I would never think of having another child. I had a perfect son and that would make me happy.
Only about 8 months ago, when my son was 2 1/2, I did start to think that maybe I would be able to have another child and get through it. Although at my age, now going to be 42, I am not sure if that would be possible. But I do think in the back of my mind that I would be able to handle it. I would notice the symptoms right off the bat if I feared something was wrong and like my therapist even stated, I could start medication right after the birth if I needed to.
So that is my question: How many of you out there that have suffered from PPD have had another child? If you did have another child, did you again suffer from postpartum depression? I would love to hear your stories on this as I could not find enough data in my search.