Since there are many different signs of postpartum depression, when I had insomnia I still had no idea what was wrong with me. There were days that I would go without sleeping. All the books say, “Nap when the baby naps.” I however could not nap as well. I would lie awake in bed at night for hours while the baby slept next to me. At the time it never even occurred to me to look up insomnia to find out any of the causes or how to help myself. All I know is that with my anxiety and my insomnia I was feeling like I could fall over at any minute and die.
So I have decided to post some things on insomnia.
This is a great article on insomnia. It gives many different tips on how to help.
Also if you are looking for a natural cure I am posting a link to a chiropractor in Scottsdale, AZ. He has a link on his website on Insomnia and the natural ways in which to cure it. Look him up if you are in the area as I am sure he can help you.
Again, see your doctor if any of your signs of postpartum depression do not improve. Sleep is so important and I did not realize it at the time. I think if I would have been able to sleep, my body would have also been able to heal faster from my c-section.