My Baby's Smile. My Journey and Recovery Through Postpartum Depression

Monday, May 11, 2009

Be on the lookout for Postpartum Depression

Q&A on PPD with Susan Hatters Friedman, MD, and Janelle Yates, OBG Management Senior Editor
I find this article interesting as it was posted on I do not know about any other women out there, but I know my doctor never asked me any questions at my check ups after my baby was born. I actually remember making comments to my ob/gyn and to my son's pediatrician that when they asked if the baby was sleeping I would comment back, "yes, he is sleeping, but it would be great if I can." Nobody ever picked up on any signs that I may have PPD.
The first time I went to my doctor not knowing what was wrong he wanted to give me medication, but he never said, "Hey you may have this and you may need help." I declined the medication because I did not think of myself as "depressed." He never explained any of the other signs or even asked me if I was experiencing them.
Even when I finally went back to him and I was an hysterical mess and I decided I needed the medication or I would lose my mind, he still never told me to seek therapy. I went on the internet the next day and went on and found help. I knew that I could not be on medication and not talk to anyone. Please know you also need to talk to someone.
This is why I wrote my book to help educate other women even if the doctors are not telling us the other signs of PPD. It is not just "depression." I hope it helps.